Reverand Ted Haggard’s (feng shui) comeback

Ted Haggard opens a new church

Reverand Ted Haggard

Remember evangelical preacher Ted Haggard who admitted to paying male prostitute Mike Jones for sexual favors for three years?  Well apparently all you need is a good talking to in order to undo ‘being gay’ because that’s the verdict 4 of his minister buddies declared after Haggard attended three weeks of counseling.

Now whether it was effective in eliminating the reverand’s need for crystal meth is another question altogether.  The counselling ministers were mum on the subject of Haggard’s drug use and the not-gay-anymore-at-least-until-his-wife-is-out-of-the-picture rev says he’s now a “heterosexual with issues.” 

And now that he’s a straight man with issues he has, of course, opened a new church in St. James, Colorado.   On an interview with CNN which you can see here:  Reverand Ted says that his new congregation is growing quickly.

What’s odd about this interview is that he smiles as he thanks the thieves, prostitutes, bank robbers, liars, adulterers and drug addicts who make up his new congregation for giving him a second chance at returning to the ministry.   He says his new followers are all people just like him. 

Clearly the law of attraction is working for him but what about his Flying Star Feng Shui?

Interestingly enough Ted Haggard’s personal feng shui is tied to prayer and spiritual growth so all that he’s going through and putting himself through in this lifetime is playing a big part in his spiritual development.

This year in particular the rev has the Flying Star known as the Transformation Star on his career direction.  This Star always indicates a big change of somekind and usually it’s unexpected.  Opening a new church and having the congregation grow by the hundreds in just a few short weeks is definitely a big change for Haggard.

It’s very likely his congregation will continue to grow to the point of gaining national and even international recognition again next year because he’ll have the Relationship Star on his career next year.   If you’re running your own business, or a church like Ted Haggard, this is always a good sign that the number of clients will increase.  It’s also a sign that people who have shunned him as a result of his indescretions 3 1/2 years ago will rally around him again next year.

The other beneficial Flying Star working in the reverand’s favor is the New Beginning Star sitting on his Relationship direction.  This always indicates new people coming into your life on a personal and/or professional basis.  So once again, it’s a very good sign that his church will keep growing.

Next year the Fame Star will sit on his Relationship direction which ties in nicely with the Relationship Star on his career direction next year.  It’s another sign that he’ll be front and center in some way– either in the media or in the church community — in a big way.

Opening the church on June 1 was another good move because the Flying Stars in his career and relationship directions for the month were the same as those that are there for 2010.  This means the feng shui energy was doubly strong for him. 

It just goes to show you that even if you get caught leading a secret life and lose it all you can turn it all around with three weeks of counseling and the right Flying Star Feng Shui.

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James Ray’s Deadly Sweat Lodge & Flying Star Feng Shui

James Ray

James Ray

Today I opened up my computer and found a story that astounded me.  James Arthur Ray, one of the spiritual mentors who appeared in the movie The Secret, held what he calls a Spiritual Warrior retreat in Sedona, AZ last week.  As part of this $9,000 retreat the 55-65 participants took part in a sweat lodge to help them move past their personal limitations.

Unfortunately this event resulted in the deaths of 2 people and 19 others had to be hospitalized.

The reports I found said that the sweat lodge was built by James Ray’s staff out of non-breathable material.   Experts in American Indian traditions said that the two hour sweat lodge also went on far too long and had too many participants.

Ray’s company is being investigated now and the term ‘charlatan’ and ‘con artist’ are being used when it comes to James Ray himself. 

Because he is seen as a guru in the spiritual mentoring industry I thought I’d take a look and see what’s going on for him right now and it says a lot.

This year James Arthur Ray has two feng shui Flying Stars that are not in his favor and those are the Illness Star on his Wisdom direction and the Conflict Star on his Relationship direction.  Both these Stars can create problems in different ways.

The Illness Star on his Wisdom direction means that choices he makes this year whether personal or professional could lead to self-inflicted stress.  And because his Wisdom direction is tied to creativity the decision to have his staff build the sweat lodge for the Spiritual Warrior retreat could very well have been the trigger that launched this stress he’s created for himself.

Then the Conflict Star sitting on Ray’s Relationship direction adds to this situation by attracting problems with people in his life and in this case the people were his clients.  Not only does the Conflict Star bring problems but it can also bring arguments and lawsuits and that is surely what Ray and his company will be facing after such a disasterous outcome at one of his seminars.  On October 8th, when the sweat lodge took place, the energy of the Conflict Star was doubled making this Star even more powerful.

At the time of the deaths and injuries that resulted from this event he had another Flying Star working against him, the Violence Star, which was sitting on his Career direction.  The Violence Star can bring injury, death and even financial loss through lawsuits. 

If I were looking at James Ray’s personal feng shui and Flying Stars I would have recommened that he pick another month to hold an event like this because Flying Star feng shui can greatly influence your chances of success or failure.  When the Stars are working against you it’s better to sit back and wait.  When the Stars are working for you it’s time to jump in and take action.

Don’t let bad timing cause your event, product launch or grand opening to end in failure.  Get your personal Feng Shui Reading and start off on the right foot here:

The Miss California 2009 Saga Continues…

Carrie Prejean & Tami Farrell

Carrie Prejean & Tami Farrell

It’s official. The Donald tells Carrie Prejean, “You’re fired!” for not fulfilling her duties as Miss California 2009 and now Tami Farrell is the new reigning queen.

Not having been a beauty queen myself I have no idea what’s required of a job like this but for Carrie Prejean the requirements were more than she could handle…and her feng shui didn’t help her either.

This year the feng shui Flying Star on Carrie’s Success direction is the Conflict Star. This means that people at work are going to give her flack even if she’s doing everything right. And this month the Relationship Star combines with the Conflict Star on her Success direction meaning more arguments with the people around her.

Carrie also has the Star of New Beginnings on her Relationship direction which is good because it means new people will come into your life: new friends, new colleagues, new clients, etc. But this month the New Beginning Star is plagued by the Illness Star that sits on her Relationship direction. This combination creates quarrelling and disagreement with even more to come according to her lawyer.

So if it’s true she wasn’t fulfilling her contract this is the month that it would all come to a head and blow up on her.

As for Tami, she has the Windfall Star on her Success direction this year. Although this is a great Star this month the Robbery Star sits in combination with the Windfall making it look like she ‘stole’ her Success rather than earned it. That means people may not look at her as deserving the title of Miss California 2009.

All of this will pay off for her though if she makes an extra effort to communicate with her fans and the public.

Curious to know what feng shui has to say about your personal Success, Health, Relationships and Wisdom this year? Then get your Personal 12 Month Feng Shui Outlook here:

Why 2009 is so Violent

This morning I opened up my e-mail and saw this note:

“I am curious to know and may be you can talk about this issue in your monthly newsletter – why this year 09′ is so violent in regards of tragedies ( planes crashes- train accidents- people death by tragic accidents( falls-etc) is this year a fire or earth year?” — Maria B., Miami, FL

Back in January I held a teleseminar where I talked about the outlook for 2009 based on the feng shui for the year and it was then that I warned of plane crashes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and fires. 

How would you like to be the one delivering that kind of news to your listeners?  One person told me I was being too negative and didn’t want to know about it because knowing about it and thinking about it would give it energy.

Here’s the thing about feng shui Flying Stars though.  Whether you want to think about them or not they’re there. 

 I’m pretty sure no one who gets on an airplane really wants it to go down like Air France Flight 447 but ‘not thinking about it’ didn’t prevent it from happening.

So back to the question about ‘why 2009 is so violent’ and the feng shui Flying Stars that support that energy right now. 

This year the Flying Star known as the ‘Fire Star’ sits in the center gua of the feng shui ba gau (pronounced bah gwah).  A ba gua looks like a tic-tac-toe symbol and each square of this symbol holds a different Flying Star this year.  The center gua always sets the ‘theme’ for the year and the Star that sits there affects people across the board.  It’s like the heart of the feng shui energy for the year.

The Fire Star in the center gua is associated with volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, airplane accidents, bombings and fires.  This is why there have been more deadly airplane crashes this year than last year (35% more in fact) even though last year had more actual crashes over the same period of time.

The fires around the U.S., in Mexico and increased bombings  around the world are no accident either.  These are all tied into the Fire energy of the Center gua. 

You’ll also notice that there have been more accidents and tragedies on the sea.  We all heard about the Samoli pirates hijacking ships and taking crews hostage, Air France Flight 447 crashed in the water, the bird strike on U.S. Airways Flight that put the airplane in the Hudson River (fortunately everyone survived), the crash of the Continental Connection flight over Buffalo, NY due to icing (frozen water), the death of numerous people trying to escape their countries by boat to the U.S. mainland this year and the loss of two NFL players who were on a fishing trip in rough waters to name a few of the stories.

Then we have what I call the ‘middle aged men’ phenomenon.  More and more stories are appearing in the news about middle aged men killing their families then themselves, Gov. Blago of Illinois (a middle aged man) was impeached, the pilot of U.S. Airways Flight 1549 was a middle aged man, the majority of people losing their jobs in the U.S. are middle aged men, Pastor Fred Winters shot in Maryville, IL during church was a middle aged man and so on.

In 2009 the feng shui Flying Star known as the Disaster Star sits over the ‘water’ gua.  The ‘water’ gua also happens to be associated with middle aged men.  Translation?  More disasters this year on the water and more disasterous events for middle aged men.

And that leads to the final negative Flying Star that ties into all of these events: the Violence Star.  This year the Violence Star sits on the area of the ba gua related to families, health and government.  This Star not only holds the energy of violence but also loss of money usually in unpleasant ways like robbery, lawsuits or bankruptcy. 

Notice that this year families are losing money due to loss of jobs which is requiring some people to file for bankruptcy.  The government is losing money because as companies go out of business and people abandon their homes there is no tax revenue to collect.  California is a perfect example of the effects this Robbery energy can create.

And then there is the violence that we’re hearing about more and more this year.  Families being murdered by parents who can’t cope.  Military deaths on the rise overseas.  Robberies up due to the fact that people can’t find work and they need money to survive.

All of these Stars are feeding off of each other because they all link to areas of our lives that overlap.

It’s not that feng shui is negative.  In fact there are 4 very positive Flying Stars this year as well.  It’s just that these negative Flying Stars (Fire, Violence, Disaster) happen to be in located in areas where their energy is particularly noticable this year.  Next year these Flying Stars will move to other locations and affect different areas of the ba gua and so will the positive Flying Stars.

I can also tell you that I find knowing this information to be really helpful in a street smart kind of way.  If you’re walking through a neighborhood and you know one side of the street can be dangerous and the other can be sunny and bright which side are you going to choose to walk on? 

If you don’t know this about the neighborhood and go wandering down the wrong side of the street there’s a chance you may get clobbered.   Personally, I’d rather know that but then again that’s just me.

The great thing about Flying Star feng shui is that it gives you this street smart information so you know which side the sun is on (translation: where to put up your feng shui activations for the good Flying Stars) and what areas to avoid (translation: where to put up your feng shui remedies to reduce the effects of negative Flying Stars).  

Astrology, numerology, palmistry, face reading and other predictive methods can tell you what possibilities lie ahead but none of these tell you what to do about it.  Feng Shui does and that’s why I use it.

Okay, so now I’ll get off of my soapbox.  If you want to stay on top of your personal monthly feng shui predictions AND get the feng shui tools to work with the Flying Star energy each month go here:  You’ll be glad you did…guaranteed.


Feng Shui Tips for Great Pool Parties

It’s summer and that means inviting friends and family over for bar-b-que, beer and parties around the pool.  Start your summer celebration off right by creating the ideal feng shui atmosphere so everyone has a great time.

The Setting:  The water in the pool will likely dominate your party space simply due to its size.  When water is still or frozen it represents yin energy so if your party is around the pool but nobody is going to swim in it you’ll need to add other feng shui elements to keep the energy lively.  Otherwise people are going to get bored or tired quickly. 

If your pool is surrounded by concrete or other kind of pool deck you’ll also want to place potted plants around the deck or landscape the deck with lush plants and flowers to soften the space and create  more inviting surroundings.  Adding boulders into your landscaping will bring in the earth element and create a more grounded feeling.

Does your party have a theme to it?  Then bring in decorations to set the tone, add color and put people in the right party frame of mind.

The Music:   Music is a great way to stimulate people and get them talking.  The kind of music you choose should set the mood you’re trying to create.  If it’s a wine and cheese party a little Keiko Matsui or Motzart would be nice.  If it’s a bar-b-que how about some Jimmy Buffet or Kenny Chesney?  Put your music in the South area of your party space if you want to get people dancing.

If music isn’t an option then a pool waterfall or fountain kept on during your party will help stimulate conversation and energize people too.

The Food:  In addition to your decorations this is a great way to bring in color to your event.  Vegetable trays with radishes, carrots, celery, red and yellow peppers bring some zing to your tastebuds as well as your eyes.  Think of your veggies as your ‘fire and wood’ elements.

Ribs, chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs have a grounding effect on people and represents your ‘earth’ element.  Beer, wine, soda, water and other drinks represent your ‘water’ element.  And metal utinsils, bar-b-que tongs, grill and even beer kegs represent your ‘metal’ element.

You now have everything you need for your ideal feng shui’d summer pool party.  Enjoy! 


Why Roger Federer Will Win the French Open

    Roger Federer

Roger Federer

If you read my blog ‘Robin Soderling’s Excellent Fate’ on May 31, 2009 you’d probably think I would predict that Robin Soderling would win the French open against Roger Federer.  But it’s a new month and the Feng Shui Flying Stars have all shifted.

That means good news for Federer but not such good news for Soderling.

Here’s what’s happening for the two players right now (from a feng shui perspective).  When you’re looking at the odds of athletes winning anything you have to see what the feng shui energy on their Success and Health directions look like because these are the two areas that will have the greatest influence on them.

Robin Soderling, the Swedish player who upset Rafael Nadal in May, has great flying stars (a type of feng shui that has predictive ability) on both his Success and Health directions for the year.  The problem is that there are also flying stars on these directions for the month as well and these are not so good. 

In fact, his Success direction is weakened this month by the Illness Star.  This means he’ll have to work harder to be successful this month. 

His health direction is not that great either.  He has the Windfall Star there for the year, which is great for winning things unexpectely as he did against Rafael Nadal but this month he has the Robbery Star there.  When you combine these two feng shui stars you get loss and robbery.  This tells me that Robin Soderling’s odds of losing are much higher this month.

Looking at Roger Federer’s feng shui flying stars we get a different picture.  Roger has the Abundance Star on his Success direction for the year which is a wonderful Star for gaining long-term contracts and creating long-term success for yourself.  This month the energy of this star doubles which is excellent for winning the French Open as it will allow him to further ‘make a name for himself’ in the tennis world.

His Health Direction doesn’t have a great Star on it for the year but this month he has the Abundance Star in this direction as well.  When you combine the yearly feng shui flying star with the Abundance Star for the month it creates greater odds for windfalls and financial gains.

When you look at Robin Soderling’s personal flying stars compared to Roger Federer’s the feng shui says Federer is the easy winner for the French Open.

In feng shui there are 3 kinds of luck: Heaven Luck (your fate/destiny), Human Luck (talent/skills/decisions) and your Earth Luck (feng shui).  Each of these represent 1/3 of your total luck.

When you look at flying star feng shui and your personal feng shui directions it gives you a picture of the possibilities for your Heaven Luck.  Setting up your feng shui in your home and office helps you create your Earth Luck and your Human Luck is created when you take action in your life.

Most people only use their Human Luck to live their lives and then wonder why they don’t move forward as quickly as they can or in the direction they want to go.  It’s easy to see that when you’re only accessing 1/3 of the possibilities open to you and leaving the other 2/3 on the table it’s like driving a car with flat tires.  You can move forward but it’s going to take a while to reach your destination.

Why not get 100% of your life working for you now?  With my book ‘4 Easy Ways to Ignite Your Love Life & Fatten Your Wallet‘ along with your subscription to ‘Time Feng Shui’ you can do it.  Go get yours now.

UPDATE 7/7/09: Roger Federer not only won the French Open but also tied Pete Sampras record for men’s Grand Slam wins.  Congrats!  Feng shui is a great predictor isn’t it? 🙂

Windfall Star Works for South Dakota Man

Neal Wanless, Powerball Winner

Neal Wanless, Powerball Winner

Neal Wanless is a wealthy man today.  After buying a lottery ticket in Winner, SD (yes, that’s really the name of the town) his lucky numbers were drawn on May 27.  But this wasn’t just any lottery that he won.  Neal won the Powerball too making the prize a whopping $232 million.

Neal comes from a ranching family that has struggled financially for a number of years according to friends and neighbors in the community.  The money is not only a blessing it’s a Godsend.

Now when I say ‘Godsend’ you may be thinking I’m exaggerating but it’s true.  Neal had some fabulous feng shui Flying Stars working for him this month and these were the Windfall/Abundance Stars that were sitting on his Relationship direction in May.  This combination can bring a huge unexpected opportunity or a huge sum of money out of the blue.  That’s exactly how it worked out for Neal Wanless. 

It’s interesting that he said, “I want to thank the Lord for this opportunity and blessing me with this fortune.  I will not squander it.”  Let’s hope not and let’s also hope Neal hires someone to give him good investment advise because next year he has the Robbery Star on his Relationship direction meaning more people will be after his money.  But if he makes sensible decisions and uses his feng shui he’ll be able to navigate this feng shui Star quite easily.

If you want to know what your feng shui Flying Stars have in store for you just go here to get a copy of your Personal Feng Shui Outlook and you’ll get everything you need to know for the next 12 months:

Welcome to Palm Beach Feng Shui’s Blog

Palm Beach Feng Shui’s blog is in the process of moving from to WordPress.  Thanks for visiting us!